Friday, July 13, 2007

Cassava Production

Well it has been quit awhile since my last update, but no worries. I wasn't kidnapped by rebels or eaten by a hippo. I'm now back in the States and have been busy moving into my new house in Little Rock. Plus, when I returned I got smacked by a sinus infection (fyi-do not fly with a sinus infection, it is not fun).

These images are from a small village outside of Abidjan that centered around the production of cassava, a root crop you can find all over tropical regions in Africa. The top image is the plant followed by images that show it's root crop production. Cassava has to be cooked before consumption because the raw crop actually contains small amounts of cyanide.

One of the main reasons I went to Africa was to take portraits of women who participated in the African Women Leaders in Agriculture and the Environment (AWLAE) program. So I plan to post a bunch of those soon.


Z-Man said...

Glad to see you're still alive!
I had assumed the worse, really.
Great photos, can't wait to hear all about the trip.

Marc F. Henning said...

yeah, i was kinda worried there for a while. i began imagining a pygmy chief somewhere in Africa strutting around with a shrunken Neemah head around his neck. glad it was all just my twisted imagination. welcome back to the land of the Hawg.

Anonymous said...

I guess photographers have imagination too!!!!!!!!!!!!!--see two comments above.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back buddy.


Wes Putt said...

Welcome home! Unlike Henning, I thought you may have run away with a sexy reporter from the bbc amidst rebel shootout and in the process uncover a huge diamond lying around---wait.. I just realized that's from a movie. My bad!