Sunday, July 01, 2007

Cote d'Ivoire Portraits

The top portrait is of a young girl in a small village outside of Adidjan, where I was photographing women working to process cassava, a starchy root crop. The second is a portrait of a cocoa pod filled with cocoa beans. I had no idea this is what the fruit looks look from where we get chocolate. You can actually eat the white flesh (the beans are inside) and it tastes delicious.


Michael said...

Is this natural light or did you bust out the lighting kit for these? Have you been able to use the lighting stuff much?

Z-Man said...

Must have been the cake pan "ring flash!"

Neemah said...

these were shot with available light, but I have been using my new lightning set-up frequently. no, i didn't bring the cake pan. what the hell was I thinking!

Robbie Hammer said...

Great Stuff Neemah. I'm jealous.