Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yummy Light

This is from (I kid you not) a protest rally against the University of Arkansas' football coach. It always blows my mind when I run across people whose lives revolve around sports. Do they really have nothing else to be passionate about? ...anyway... As I was walking away I noticed the light filtering through this big tree and thought it was a nice moment. I wish the protesters were more evenly spaced, but this still worked.


Anonymous said...

I luv fuutbhalll!!! And momma....and Dale...Go # 3!!! But houstin got to go!!

Michael said...

Very cool, but I don't know about calling the light "Yummy." I'd describe it more as "Mitchtastic," or maybe "Nuttrageous." Maybe not.

Neemah said...

I don't think I would ever describe anything as "Nuttrageous"