Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Some photos from my trip to Canyonlands in Southeastern Utah last week. The light was amazing and the red rocks surreal. Being out there is like landing on the moon and walking around. Just be sure to bring plenty of water and watch out for the rattle snakes. We found Floyd (his portrait is the next to last image) waiting for us in one of our campsites. But he didn't have too much to tell us and quickly disappeared after a few hisses and rattles and kicked rocks in his direction.

...Hayduke is dead!


Michael said...

Ahh, the leasurely life of a freelance photographer. Must be nice.

Great pictures. The light really is fantastic. Congrats on the Runners World spread, too. That's pretty awesome.

Marc F. Henning said...

That's one big ass rattlesnake. Could've had rattlesnake on a stick. Tastes like chicken they say.

Did you see Arches while you were there?

Z-Man said...

No Helena Pics? So disappointed.
Just kidding nice stuff, I've only seen it from the air, some day I'll make it out to see it at ground zero.

Neemah said...

No, I didn't stop at Arches this time. But, I did spend a few days there about 6 years ago. Canyonlands is similar to Arches, but more isolated and remote.

I think I may have a few Helena pics I could post.