Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Colorful Times

Dianna tries to keep warm while taking in the sights and sounds of Times Square. If there was ever a church for Americans to worship their commercial lust, it would this sea of advertisement. It is the epitome of distraction, filled with nothing more than glorified billboards.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Daily News

A typical newsstand. You can get anything from the New York Times to gay porn. It's like the internet in print, plus candy!

Standing Room Only

A crowded subway ride after doing some grocery shopping. I swear if you lived in New York your entire life, I bet half of it would be spent commuting. iPods are a necessity.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

City Stroll

Here is another shot from Washington Heights. Dianna and I took a break from running around the City and just had a casual walk through her neighborhood. I shot this right before we got back to her apartment.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Welcome to the Big Apple

I got to New York yesterday and finally got to start my long overdue vacation. This is a shot from the roof of my girlfriend's apartment in Washington Heights (upper Manhattan). I forgot how monochromatic this city is, especially on rainy days.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Fishing with Flies

A scenic shot for a story we did on water quality. This was a great excuse to get out to the river and enjoy the fall colors while getting paid!

Last day until my long overdue vacation! Be sure to check out the blog for updates on my trip to the northeast.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

White Rock

The leaves have really started to show their color so I decided to head out to White Rock Mountain on my day off yesterday. I called my friend Ryan, filled the cooler with Pabst (and grabbed a bottle of whiskey for safe measure) and headed to the woods. It was really a great afternoon with great light so I decided to do a little recreational shooting, which I don't think I've done since getting on staff at the Morning News. If you want to see more, check out the gallery I made.

Friday, October 20, 2006


So I decided to rip off fellow photographer Michael Zamora for this next portrait idea. He's been using gels lately and I decided to give it a try since I've never really used them before. And I'd have to say that I really like the effect for a change of pace.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Getting Rid of Geese

Well I've really been in a shooting slump lately which is why I haven't been posting very often. But I have a vacation next week so hopefully when I get back I'll be motivated again. This shot is from a few days ago. I saw it again today and it made me laugh so I decided to throw it up here on the blog. Plus I love that beautiful sky.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Light Painting

I found this the other day while walking to another assignment. I was trying to mimic the girls painting with my photograph by incorporating the same colors and using the light pattern to give the image a bolder look, like her oil strokes. But of course the paper ran the photo in black and white, which totally killed the effect.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Going Up?

Dillards had their grand opening yesterday at the Pinnacle Promenade in Rogers. As soon as I walked in the front door, I saw the escalator, and new I wanted a "layer shot" of people riding it for my photo. The hardest part was mixing my flash with the ambient light and not having any big color shifts with all the subjects. But I still wanted the girls on the left to pop out a bit more to have a dominant subject. Awhile back I learned a trick to bounce the flash off my hand to make a reddish light (as apposed to a bluish light), which matched the color temperature of the stores lighting. I thought it came out okay. I wish I had a more interesting subject on the left, but sometimes not everything will fall into place.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Spike Strip

This should be the last shot from Bikes, Blues and BBQ. I wish I could of gotten a better looking biker, but this worked ok.